

Lotus Mice

Sri Lanka is a multi-cultural country where its history is enriched by its religious beliefs. Its population practices a variety of religions. As of 2011 census, 70.2% of Sri Lankans were Theravada Buddhists, 12.6% were Hindus, 9.7% were Muslims (mainly Sunni) and 7.4%Christians. Therefore, Sri Lankan religious destinations comprise of all above-mentioned religions with some destinations such as “Sri Padaya” (Adam’s peak), worshipped by everyone who believes it's their own religious space.

Also, travelers get the opportunity to follow the trails of Ramayana in Sri Lanka and see locations where the story depicts. The famous Sanskrit script Ramayana lays down a story of the great war happened between Sri Lankan God-king “Ravan” and Indian God-king “Rama”. You can enjoy this informative trip which runs deep into the Hindu religion and Sri Lankan culture.